Welcome to Sun Space

Welcome to my personal space on the web! Here you'll find all sorts of things about me and my interests. Feel free to explore and leave comments below.

PS: Finally got around updating the name from Palace (ew) to Space (OMORI related yeeee) so that's that ' v '

Who is Sun?

Anyways, hi I'm Sun, no I will not disclose my real name, anyways, I suppose I'm supposed to write my bio here, but I really don't know what to write besides what I like, anyways I like videogames, music, cooking, my ex-girlfriend, mine and my ex-girlfriend's 8 pets in total, I also like stunning landscapes and art ' v '

Please don't impersonate me in the comment section that'd be "uncool" and "cringe", oh right, there's no way to prove it's an impersonator or not, eh, my loss I guess.

Edit: Nevermind, there is a way, dunno, still don't try to impersonate me, please.

My Favorite Games

Open Terminal